What Causes Heat Waves? Repercussions of a Heating Planet
As the world braces for a hotter 2024, understanding what causes heatwaves can empower us to mitigate and adapt to the worst effects...
Sea Level Rise in Singapore Calls for Immediate Action
Sea level rise in Singapore is the nation’s most immediate climate change threat. How is the densely populated, low lying island adapting to...
The Science Behind Heat Waves and Extreme Weather – Podcast
We speak to climate scientist and IPCC author Roxy Mathew Koll about heat waves and extreme weather events in Asia.
Erratic Monsoons in South Asia Set To Worsen With Rising Land and Sea Temperatures
South Asia’s monsoons were once considered a festive time, but changing climate patterns are making people dread them.
Extreme Weather in Asia Causes Havoc
The impacts of climate change are worsening faster than predicted. Asian countries were unprepared for the disasters that hit this year.
Climate Change in South Asia: Floods, Droughts and Displacement Are Just the Beginning
South Asians are bearing the brunt of increasingly severe climate extremes. Historically, they have contributed little to the crises they face.
Heatwaves in Europe, China and North America are No Longer Rare
Climate change has already made heatwaves longer and hotter, and now it is making concurrent heatwaves more common in the least likely of...
Heat Wave in Bangladesh: Record-setting Temperatures
Bangladesh is facing a record-setting heat wave during the summer of 2023. The country is suffering economic and social setbacks, highlighting further concerns...
Heat Waves Become Singapore’s Scorching Reality
A blistering heat wave set new temperature records in Singapore in May 2023. This might become the new normal. The city must learn...